fredag 6 december 2013

Pic from the new game

I decided I was going to try and finish a game for once, and to do that I needed a project that was small enough for me to do all the code, art and sound alone. Since I've already made a tower defence game before I decided I'd try it once more :)
This game is inspired by one of my favourite td:s: Harvest : Massive Encounter.

New game on the way!


I've started on a new updates coming soon :)

lördag 12 oktober 2013

Codin' UI is boooooring


Finally decided to start coding the inventory system. It's not fun but it has to be done.......zZzzzz.

måndag 7 oktober 2013


I started implementing dynamic shadows for wall tiles. I still got to blend the shadows properly and have the light sources light up their immediate surroundings, but it's getting there. The shadow on the player is a simple sprite that I move depending on the player's position relative to the closest light.

Here's a sneak preview.

lördag 5 oktober 2013

I know the game is named Punch Man, buuuut...

I gave him a shotgun!

I've also reverted the graphics to the old style. I might keep it that way since I suck at making art :P
I added code for procedurally generating the environment as the player moves around. At the moment all it does is generate the ground tiles and very basic buildings (based on the dungeon generator.).

Surfing the intert00bs I stumbled upon a sweet animation program named Spine. The great thing about Spine is that it let's you create bone based animations AND it has a Unity plugin(!). Having your animations stored as bone transformations instead of using sprite sheets means that you can do animation blending and even physics based animations as you would with 3D models (== awesome!)

söndag 29 september 2013

Playing with yourself is boring................ehrm


Multiplayer is always fun. So I've started implementing it. At the moment you can do pretty much what you can do in singleplayer...only with more players. Animations don't work yet but since Unity 4.3 will have 2D support (yay!) I'll wait for the next release before implementing it.

torsdag 26 september 2013

Some art.

Started working on some new art for the player character. I'll admit I suck at drawing, so thank god for vector graphics.
I can highly recommend Chris Hildenbrands's fantastic tutorials over at

onsdag 25 september 2013


I updated the enemy ai with hearing so that they detect the player if he is close enough, unless he is sneaking, and so I thought; Since the enemies are able to hear you, why shouldn't you be able to hear them?

The game is viewed from a top down perspective so I have to use both audio and visual effects to indicate that you are close to an enemy and from which direction the enemy's sounds are coming.
What I decided to do was to add a shoeprint effect whenever an enemy is close enough to be heard but isn't seen.

Peep diz!

lördag 21 september 2013

Hello again!

Ugh, being sick blows! Still, I updated the line of sight to semi transparent occlusion instead of it being black.
Peep this!

Basically what I do is fetch all the wall sides that are facing the player (which is a simple since it's a grid based world). Then, for each edge I create vertices that extrude from the edge away from the player.

These vertices are then combined into one mesh. This mesh is rendered with a shader that only writes to the stencil buffer. I create another mesh that spans the viewport extents with a shader that only renders where the stencil check passes.

Now you might wonder why I don't just render the shadow mesh at once since I already have that geometry. The problem is that since the mesh consists of triangles that might overlap the alpha blending would render certain parts darker than others.

Now I only need to hide the enemies that are out of sight somehow :)

fredag 13 september 2013

Updated line of sight.

I couldn't wait so I decided to write the vector line of sight stuffs right away.
Here's the result. It still needs some optimizations though.

torsdag 12 september 2013

Line of sight

Hacked in some basic line of sight to try out a stealth mechanic for the game. It's full of glitches but serves it's purpose.
As you can see from the image it's tile based, I'll change this to be vector based in the future (found a nice article about how it was done in Monaco it here)

torsdag 29 augusti 2013

Random dungeon for my latest prototype

Found an excellent tutorial on creating random dungeons for roguelikes over here. So I decided to implement it in Unity for my own project. Here are the results.